Transform Your Leadership: Discover the Power of Well-being Practices
I created a short video for you about a leadership practice (um, honestly, it's a well-being practice) that's extremely critical for building capacity for becoming an effective leader (and human) in our highly chaotic world. This practice reduces inflammation in your body and in the bodies of people around you. And in this climate (change), this is absolutely necessary to practice this skill for the sake of those you love and this in-flamed planet we all inhabit.
I offer practices that create the possibility for humans to be relaxed and effective using the art and science of my several decades of combined training (and counting!) including Humaning Well Skills + Chinese medicine + qigong training.
This video is an example of one of the practices that can change your body symptoms (neuroscientific discoveries of what ancient medicines already knew), the symptoms inside your organization, immediately!
If you can identify your own body sensations (and be open to possibility), you can effectively treat not only yourself but the breakdown and miscommunications that cost you inside your organization (we have an ROI calculator, thanks to and courtesy of Jade Duggan, Humaning Well, to prove it!).
Enjoy and let me know what you observe!