No roots, no growth

Happy and Prosperous 2025!

You’ve seen the ads. 2025: New Year, New You! With the emphasis on you, the troubled one…I cringe when I see this. Because I used to do this!

I didn't realize that I was putting the onus of change on a sole individual.

There are definitely things we can do, must do to create the life we desire.

But, plants don't thrive without a thriving ecosystem. (Nature knows what’s up—why don’t we?)

The new year, new you nonsense is like trying to bloom in the middle of winter with no roots, no nutrients, and no sunlight.

You don’t just sprout because the calendar flips over to January.

Transformation needs the right conditions—rich soil, consistent rain, and time to reach deep into the earth while reaching for the sky.

And, in the right set of conditions, life…you…begin to grow.

I stopped framing the idea of a new you like it’s a miracle bloom (or grow lol).

There’s no magic fertilizer that replaces the actual work of rooting yourself in what matters.

But the best part?

You can’t do it alone (I know, how is that good news?).

Your growth as a human, or a leader, wasn’t ever meant to be solitary. Forests don’t grow without a thriving canopy and meadows don’t thrive without a complex system of other plants, animals, insects, the sun, wind, rain and microorganisms.

The healthiest ecosystems are robust and interconnected for strength and resilience.

Because here’s the thing: a new year isn’t creating something new nor about bulldozing your way to change. (Spoiler alert: this is unsustainable.)

It’s about tending to your roots, nurturing the foundation of what you already have, and who you already are and designing life intentionally—with the support of the right environment, and with a splash of the unknown.

So maybe this year isn’t about a new you.

Maybe it’s about a rooted you.

A supported you.

Tilling the existing soil that's already within and around you.

I.can’t.stop.the.nature.metaphors lol

And if that sounds like the kind of leadership and life growth you’re looking for, I created my 3 month program Root to Rising: Awaken the Seeds Within program for you.

Together in a small group setting, we create the fertile ground you need to thrive inside your work (and home), using very a particular tools I’ve honed for over 14 years. This work not only benefits you, but everyone around you including the our small group!

It’s tailored for you, but useful to all. 

Because you’re not meant to do this life alone—no one is.

Let’s grow together.

Ready to dig in? Click here for a Conversation for Curiosity. (2024 pricing in effect until Friday, January 10!)


Who’s Feeling Your Stress Today?


Root to Rising: Awakening the Seeds Within